Dear All,
The Philosophy Department of the Central European University, the Institute
Vienna Circle and the Unit for Applied Philosophy of Science and
Epistemology (of the Department of Philosophy of the University of Vienna)
are jointly organizing a series of talks this term.
On Thursday, May the 19th, 5-7pm (CET)
Prof. Sean Walsh (University of California, Los Angeles)
will speak about
Model completions, model theory, and ideal elements (abstract below)
The meeting will be online via ZOOM:
Upcoming talks:
2 June 3-5 PM: Eric Nelson
9 June 3-5 PM: Anna Bellomo
23 June 3-5 PM: Hanne Andersen
30 June 3-5 PM: Georg Schiemer
Manders (1989) suggested that the model-theoretic notion of model completion
could help conceptualize the rationale behind the choice of ideal elements
in mathematics. Bellomo (2021) usefully compares and contrasts this to the
idea of 'domain expansion' that one finds in the principle of permanence,
which has many connections to the Hilbert program (cf. Detlefsen 2005). The
Hilbert program has given rise to much within mathematical logic, and can be
viewed through the lens of reverse mathematics (Simpson 1988, Simpson 1999).
In this talk, we look at Manders' preferred method of domain extension in
the framework of reverse mathematics. It is one way of trying to understand
how hard it is to find the types of models at issue in model completions
when they exist.
Bellomo, Anna. 2021. "Domain Extension and Ideal Elements in Mathematics."
Philosophia Mathematica. Series III 29 (3): 366-91.
Detlefsen, Michael. 2005. "Formalism." In The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy
of Mathematics and Logic, edited by Stewart Shapiro. Oxford University
Manders, Kenneth. 1989. "Domain Extension and the Philosophy of
Mathematics." The Journal of Philosophy 86 (10): 553-62.
S. G. Simpson. Subsystems of Second Order Arithmetic. Perspectives in
Mathematical Logic. Springer- Verlag, Berlin, 1999.
S. G. Simpson. Partial realizations of Hilbert's program. J. Symbolic Logic,
53(2):349-363, 1988.
On behalf of the organizers,
Iulian Toader
Liebe Kolleg_innen,
wir möchten Sie herzlich zur nächsten Veranstaltung der Vortragsreihe
Phänomenologische Forschungen einladen:
Dienstag, 24.5.2022, 17.0019.00 Uhr, HS 2H, Institut für Philosophie der
Universität Wien, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien
Maren Wehrle (Erasmus University Rotterdam): Gelebte und diskursive
Normalität. Phänomenologie als Beschreibung und Kritik der Normalität
Mit besten Grüßen,
Georg Stenger
Michael Staudigl
Gerhard Unterthurner
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
das Institut für Philosophie möchte auf Folgendes aufmerksam machen:
Von: HYDE, B.V.E. V.E. (Student) <b.v.e.hyde(a)
<> >
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2022 15:38
An: HYDE, B.V.E. V.E. (Student) <b.v.e.hyde(a)
<> >
Betreff: Critique - A Journal for Your Undergraduate Students
Dear Sir,
I would be appreciative if you would disseminate this opportunity amongst
your students.
Critique is an English-language peer-reviewed open access academic journal
published biannually in winter and summer by the University of Durham. It
publishes original articles, discussion pieces and authoritative book
reviews in any area of philosophy, written by undergraduates worldwide.
There are no costs associated with either submission or publication.
The journal is looking for peer-reviewers and soliciting submissions now.
Attached to this email is a call for papers. The submission guidelines can
be found by following
y/critique/> this link. Submissions should be sent as a Microsoft Word
document to the Editor at <>
durhamcritique(a) Applications to become a reviewer should be sent
to the same address. Applications might include a curriculum vitae, a
reference from an academic, a copy of a university transcript, or any other
material that the applicant might deem relevant to demonstrating their
competency in a certain topic, as well as philosophic method more generally.
The journal will be published around July. Although submissions are accepted
all year round, authors and reviewers are asked to complete their
submissions by the middle of June if they wish to be included in the
forthcoming issue.
B.V.E. Hyde