We are pleased to announce that on Friday, March 14 at 5.30pm (CET), Giuliano Torrengo
(Milan) will give the talk One experience after another as part of the Lugano Philosophy
Colloquia Spring 2025 organised by the Institute of Philosophy (ISFI) at USI.
This hybrid talk will take place in Room Multiuso, FTL Building (USI West Campus) and
online via Zoom. If you are interested in joining online, please write to
Here is the abstract of the talk:
In this talk, I scrutinize the phenomenology of having one experience after another and
distinguishing it from other temporal experiences such as change, duration, and the
passage of time. I then argue that even though the flow of experience is often described
as smooth, we do not experience the temporal dimension as a continuous series of
locations. This gives us reasons to believe that experience is not just discontinuous, but
also constituted by disunified flows.
For more information: