Lieber Waldemar,
ja, natürlich ist es beschreibend gemeint, aber nicht nur metaphorisch, sondern mir spukt
da etwas im Kopf herum (kein Wunder, nach Genuss von DCP in der gnadenlos schlecht
schmeckenden DCP-SM-Version), von dem ich glaube, dass es verdient, beschrieben und
bedacht zu werden. Ich tue mir schwer, es zu formulieren, was natürlich an meiner
gedanklichen Beschränktheit liegen kann, oder am Trunk, oder an Größewahn, und auf jeden
Fall an beschränktem Wissen, aber hier im Kreis darf man sich ja frei äußern :-)
Ich hänge dazu mal wieder einen eben verfassten Textabschnitt zu meiner Idee von
„semantischer Energie“ an, sorry, schon wieder auf Englisch, ich bin unter Zeitdruck, weil
ich den entsprechenden Artikel für ein englischsprachiges Journal bald fertigkriegen muss,
darum schreibe ich je gleich auf englisch und nicht erst auf deutsch…
Viele Grüße,
Conclusion: Semantic energy is a process resource, stored in form of potential readiness
to coherently act and interact. It is fuelled in individual orchestrated interaction as
the energisation of these contributions. Semantic energy is the first sleeping and then
enacted interactional force and focusing orientedness of an individual processes’ coherent
interaction. It is a process resource, stored in form of potential readiness to coherently
act and interact. It is fuelled in individual orchestrated interaction as the energisation
of these contributions.
It can only be judged retrospectively form the point of an eventual overarching coherence
merger. Being a co-forming coherent processing, it cannot be formatted into discrete
packages because it inherently consists of structured interactional, active and coherently
reactive dynamics. It has both a temporal and a goal-oriented quality. It cannot be
allocated to process contributors singled out and decontextualised; instead, it as a
non-quantifiable share to an eventual cooperation product. It has an enabling, inciting
and exemplifying quality, in each energised process serving as an example and tuning-in
target for another process.
As hypostasised from the point of view of a successful convergence, it is not a feature
allowing reliable prediction. Other than in simple addition or in equations using the
equal sign, like differential equations there is no fixed causative relation form a
starting point towards a final result. The limits discretising a text from its context are
not finite separation lines but usually gradually fade out. Metric distances are outplayed
if communication overrides them. The same holds true for the semantic volumes created in
successful use of semantic energy. An event may have an energising aura, a cooperation an
intriguing charm, a performance an overwhelming charisma, a landscape can have a strong
resonating effect in us, to use examples of human processing and interaction.
It is composed of the individual contributions to active and interactive cooperation
capacity resulting in an ensemble’s internal harmony, alias coherence. Only if this final
product is realised one can estimate the qualitative value of its individual ingredients.
It is the aspect of the intrinsic power fuelling an ability to meaningful interact, to
successfully modulate the own processing and this way to eventually jointly achieve a
All in all, semantic energy, both as a hibernating resource and as a coherent processing’s
component is the energy needed to make a transient, contextually embedded, internally and
externally interacting system a system. It corresponds to the force that promotes
combination to inherently unified, internally homogenously processing wholes, as systems.
It has the force to round up a flock of sheep, acting from the outside, or attracting
people to join at a place, acting from the inside to the outside. It always emerges from
at least two, or more interaction partners, and acts on, and consist of the specifics of
their relation and relatedness. So, it is a genuinely bi- or multicentred communicative
and informative force, acting on relatedness and not on isolated, single objects. Dynamic
in nature, it connects one coherence-based processing with another to co-create a shared,
not simply additive, but co-processual, joined dynamic.
It is nothing beyond the individual processes themselves, but nevertheless extending
beyond both or all in terms of co-present partnering as well as in terms of an intended
shared future. It hence is directed in itself, prospective, distinctively future-oriented.
It is an eschatological and transcendental impulse without being transcendental and
non-empiric itself. It is a feature on the ground pointing towards the sky and the
In humble admitting our limited access to this phenomenon, we have to confess that we can
only imagine this combining force by co-living, by imitating it in a mental or bodily
move, by co-creating a dynamic in which we experience it as being an integral part of. It
is real, embodied and not spiritual in the sense of a psyche separated from the body.
Using the Aristotelian concept of psyche for example, a concept which is quite different
from the modern one in relating to whatever structured processing in living beings, and
even extending this approach to whatever coheres, we may nevertheless call it a team’s or
any cooperation’s ‘spirit’.
Am 05.02.2021 um 14:21 schrieb waldemar_hammel via
Philweb <philweb(a)>at>:
Von: waldemar_hammel <waha3103x(a)>
Betreff: Aw: [Philweb] ä2 Neoklassische Philosophie?
Datum: 5. Februar 2021 um 14:56:15 MEZ
An: Philweb(a), Joseph Hipp <hipp(a)>
Am 04.02.2021 um 19:28 schrieb Joseph Hipp via Philweb:
Für diejenigen, die noch nicht wissen, was DCP ist:,
eine Suchmaschinensuche mit "DCP-gestützt" führt auch zum Erfolg.
mir fallen bei "DCP"s zuvörderst di-chlor-propene ein, deren ausgewiesener
"feind" ich bin, weil äußerst schädlich für mensch + natur,
(insgesamt sind chlorierte kohlenwasserstoffe so gut wie immer bedenklich)
Zudem frage ich höflich an, wie ich in den Genuß
der semantischen Energie komme, von der Thomas schrieb, bzw. wie sie im Alter erhöht
werden kann, so dass die informierende Kraft besser fließen kann. Oder braucht es noch
dazu ein wenig DCP, sozusagen als Elexir? Gegebenenfalls, wo bekomme ich das her?
"semantische energie" kann ich dir leider nicht anbieten, da sie "in
meiner gedankenwelt" nicht vorkommt, und ich nehme an, auch thomas hat das eher
metaphorisch = beschreibend gemeint ?
und auch "informierende kräfte" sind mir durchaus unbekannt
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